Zizi's Author Page

Hi! Thanks for taking the time in reading through and taking an interest in me and my characters. Here's some information about me, my preferences and my beloved OCs!

Basic info:

21+ years old. ↞
Non binary (She/They) ↞
Full time artist. ↞
Happily married. ↞
Located in GMT timezone. ↞

RP preferences:

↠ Characters and writers to be 21+.
↠ Long term interactions.
↠ Detailed writing. Can match.
↠ Dark | Mature | Horror themes.
↠ Fun character development.


No ERP, thank you. ↞
IC/OOC separation important. ↞
Communcation also important. ↞
I'm not my characters, they're not me. ↞
🗸 Friends ↞
✕ Relationship ↞
Don't be weird. ↞
Discord upon request. ↞

I will 100% cut you off without any hesitance if there is any drama or strange behavior. I'm here to write stories and have fun. Nothing more.

XIV Character Directory.

(Mare and Discord on request!)

Here is a list of all of the carrds and characters that I currently have!

Tinkerer | Sky Pirate | Airship Thief
Main | Playable

Herbalist | Drug Lord | Asshole
Alt | Playable

Qerel-Moks | Witch | Summoner
Alt | Playable

Club Owner | Moks | Informant
Alt | Playable

Artist info.

I draw a lot. It's both a hobby and a full time job for me. If you're interested, feel free to head over to my website for a full folio and commission information.